The Capitalist
We Will Remember
People seem to have forgotten that this virus situation will be over at one point - probably considerably sooner than it seems. They have forgotten that after the hysteria is over, we will still be here, and we will still remember everything.
Many people have given up on their principles as a result of their panic, and when this is over, the rest of us will know how much their words are worth.
Many have used this as an excuse to stop working, and to default on their contracts, and when this is over, the rest of us will know they're crooks.
Many have talked about "redistributing" what others "hoarded", getting rid of health-related patents, or arresting those who bring prices up - when this is over, the rest of us will know they are the lowest type of thieves.
Many, many people supported forced quarantines, the shutting down of businesses, and the arrest of those who disobeyed - when this is over, the rest of us will know they are, at heart, tyrants.
This epidemic will change a lot. Politicians all over the world have explored the perfect opportunity it presented for seizing power, and they will remember how easy it was. It will jumpstart the next business bust, years before it was due, and give governments the perfect excuse for ending money as we now it - except the fraudulent issuing of trillion dollars will not be "bailing out banks and failed corporations", but "fighting the effects of the pandemic". It will give them the perfect narrative for more surveillance, and more control, and contribute to end freedom in America...
...but at least we will remember who the thieves, tyrants and idiots are.
- March 19th, 2020